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Free of the Month (August 2023) > Notice

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Free of the Month (August 2023)

페이지 정보

작성일Date 23-08-14 15:09



- Snaptoon August 2023 Event -




August Melting into the Sun

Snaptoon is here with a new event background!  |ૂ•ᴗ•⸝⸝)”♥ 

I don't think the end of summer is that far away.

Take care of your health in the hot summer and I wish you all the best!




August 2023 free distribution event!!



The background of free distribution in August is 'Housing Alley'.

This time, the alley between the buildings is an impressive outdoor background

It is a background where various productions can be made according to the genre by rearranging props or adjusting the style within the snaptoon.

Please check the image below for more information on the background. :)


This is the File that anyone who logs in to the warehouse can download regardless of whether they pay or not.

I have prepared both the data smith (.udatasmith) file and the SKP file that can be used on the Snaptoon through Import 3D,

please use it according to your preference :)

▼ Download 





< snaptoon >


- Image calibrated only within a snaptoon without using any other program -








< SketchUp >


- Uncorrected image -









How to import 3D -



You can import a data smith (.udatasmith) file in the same way. 

Please check here for detailed instructions on how to use Snaptoon.



3D program subscription fees, various 3D asset costs

Subscription-based services for creators who are struggling with affordable prices

Educational licenses available in competitions, etc. (20USD / year, not commercially available)

Personal licenses that can also be used for commercial webtoons (60USD per year)

Various indoor and outdoor backgrounds and props sources such as 3,300 modern, romantic, and oriental styles

If you're worried about using 3D, don't hesitate to start off lightly with the Snaptoon Warehouse.




Thank you for always being with me on Snaptoon!

Have a nice day :)




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