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쇼핑몰 검색


Snaptoon Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") values your personal information and complies with the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Use and Information Protection.

Through the personal information processing policy, the company will inform you of the purpose and method of using the personal information provided by customers and what measures are being taken to protect personal information.

The company will announce the revision of the personal information processing policy through a notice on the website (or individual notice).

Personal information items you collect

The company collects the following personal information for membership registration, consultation, and service application.

  • Collection items: Name, date of birth, gender, login ID, password, password question and answer, home phone number, home address, mobile phone number, e-mail, job, company name, department, position, company phone number, hobby, marriage, anniversary, legal representative information, resident registration number, access log, access IP information, payment record, etc.
  • Personal information collection method: homepage (member registration), written form

Purpose of collection and use of personal information

The company uses the collected personal information for the following purposes.

  • Delivery of service contracts and provision of service settlement contents, purchase and payment, delivery of goods or billing destinations, financial transaction identity authentication, and financial services.
  • Statistics on the delivery of advertising information, such as events used in marketing and advertising, identifying access frequency, or using services by members

Retention and use period of personal information

While users use the service provided to the company as a shopping mall member, the company continuously retains users' personal information and uses it to provide services. However, in accordance with the procedures and methods described in "Matters concerning User's Personal Information Management (View, Correction, Deletion, etc.), the information deleted or modified by the member himself or the cancellation of the subscription will be destroyed. In addition, personal information entered for temporary purposes (survey, event, identification, etc.) will be destroyed after the purpose is achieved.

In principle, your personal information shall be destroyed when the purpose of collecting or providing personal information is achieved as follows. In addition, if it is necessary to preserve it according to the provisions of related laws, such as the Commercial Act and the Consumer Protection Act in e-commerce, the company stores member information for a certain period of time as prescribed by the relevant laws. In this case, the company uses the information it keeps only for the purpose of storage, and the retention period is as follows. However, for membership subscribers, the period after withdrawal is applied.

  • Records of withdrawal of contracts or subscriptions, etc.: 5 years
  • Records of payment and supply of goods, etc.: 5 years
  • Records on the handling of consumer complaints or disputes: 3 years

※However, despite the above preservation period, information deemed appropriately necessary by the company for arbitration in the event of a dispute in the future can be permanently stored for the purpose of submitting it to the court.

Matters concerning the management of the user's own personal information (view, correction, deletion, etc.);

  • The information subject may exercise the following rights related to personal information protection against the company at any time.
    • - Request for personal information access
    • - Request correction in case of errors, etc.
    • - Delete Request
    • - Request to stop processing
  • You can exercise your rights to the above items by writing, phone, e-mail, etc. to the company, and if confirmed by the company, we will take action quickly.
  • If the data subject requests correction or deletion of errors in personal information, the company will not use or provide the personal information until the correction or deletion is completed.
  • The exercise of the rights to the above items can be done through an agent, such as a legal representative of the information subject or a person delegated. In this case, you must submit a power of attorney in accordance with attached Form 11 of the Enforcement Rules of the Personal Information Protection Act.
  • The information subject shall not infringe on the personal information and privacy of the information subject or others handled by the company in violation of related laws such as the Personal Information Protection Act.

In addition, if you want, you can view your personal information on our Snaptoon Warehouse website at any time, and you can modify, delete, and withdraw the stored essential information. In addition, some of the additional information other than the required information can be viewed, modified, or deleted at any time.

Provide personal information

In principle, the company does not provide the user's personal information to the outside world. However, exceptions are made in the following cases.

  • If users agree in advance
  • Where it is necessary for the settlement of fees for the provision of services;
  • Where he/she violates the terms and conditions of use of services posted on the website and other member services or operating principles;
  • Where there is a sufficient basis for disclosing personal information in order to take legal action against another person by causing mental and material damage to another person using his/her own service;
  • Where it is deemed in good faith to be required by other laws (e.g. when requested by the government/investigation agency by due process under the relevant laws, etc.)
  • Where a specific individual is provided to advertisers, suppliers, research organizations, etc. in a form that cannot be identified for statistical preparation, academic research, or market research;

Consignment of collected personal information

The company does not entrust your information to an external company without your consent. If such a need arises in the future, we will notify you of the consignee and the details of the entrusted work and obtain prior consent if necessary.

Rights of users and legal representatives and the method of exercise thereof

Users and legal representatives can inquire or modify the personal information of themselves or children under the age of 14 at any time, and may request cancellation of their subscription.

For users or children under the age of 14 to inquire or modify their personal information, click "Change Personal Information" (or "Modify Member Information") to cancel their subscription (withdrawal of consent), and then click "Delete Member" to view, correct, or withdraw. Or contact the person in charge of personal information management in writing, by phone, or by e-mail, and we will take action without delay.

If you request correction for errors in personal information, we will not use or provide the personal information until the correction is completed. In addition, if the wrong personal information has already been provided to a third party, we will notify the third party of the result of correction without delay so that the correction can be made.

The company processes personal information terminated or deleted at the request of a user or legal representative as specified in the "Preservation and Use Period of Personal Information Collected by the Company" and cannot be viewed or used for other purposes.

Matters concerning the installation, operation, and refusal of automatic personal information collection devices;

The company operates 'cookies' that store and find your information from time to time. Cookies are very small text files that the server used to run the company's website sends to your browser and are stored on your computer's hard disk. The company uses cookies for the following purposes:

Purpose of use of cookies, etc.

It analyzes the frequency of access and visit times of members and non-members to identify users' tastes and interests, and provides targeted marketing or personalized services through visit records or participation in various events.

You have the option of installing cookies. Therefore, you can allow all cookies by setting options in your web browser, go through confirmation each time the cookies are saved, or refuse to save all cookies.

How to Reject Cookie Settings

- For Internet Explorer: Tools > Internet Options > Personal Information at the top of the web browser

- For Chrome: Settings button (⋮) > Settings > Personal Information and Security at the top of the web browser

※However, if you refuse to install cookies, it may be difficult to provide the service.

Complaint service on personal information

In order to protect customers' personal information and handle complaints related to personal information, the company designates related departments and personal information management managers as follows.

Name of the person in charge of personal information management: Kim Min-kwan

Phone number : 010-9887-4717

E-mail : zilpung@zilpung.com

You can report all personal information protection complaints that occur while using the company's services to the person in charge of personal information management or the department in charge. The company will quickly and fully respond to users' reports.

If you need to report or consult other personal information infringement, please contact the institution below.

1. Cyber Investigation Division of the Supreme Prosecutors' Office (cybercid.spo.go.kr)

2. Cyber Crime Reporting System (https://ecrm.cyber.go.kr/minwon/main)

광주광역시 광산구 수완로12번길 30, 2층 201호

E-mail stwarehouse@zilpung.com
회사명 주식회사 스튜디오질풍 / 주식회사 스냅툰 대표 이호 / 이지환
개인정보책임관리자 김민관 사업자등록번호 420-87-01000 / 769-86-02362 통신판매업신고번호 제 2018-광주광산-0133 호
부가통신사업신고번호 제 2-03-22-0002호
  • 유튜브
  • 트위터